Imperial Publishing House offers publishing assistance to include editing, proofreading, formatting, cover design, uploading to Amazon, Kobo, Google Books, and iTunes. We have put together a package to meet your publishing needs.
Our estimated completion date for publishing packages is 30 to 45 days after receiving your payment. We offer payment plans and will make that option available on your invoice. Book a consultation to discuss your publishing needs.
Our basic publishing package below is for a 200-page novel. This is our basic package and can be adjusted based on your needs.
Self Publishing Assistance Package includes:
Content Editing, Line Editing, and Proofreading.
Typesetting/Layout for ebook and print. Book Cover Design (front, back, and spine)
Proof copy (digital and/or print)
ISBN Assignment.
Copyright Application Assistance
Three months of Marketing and Coaching via phone/email.
Ghostwriting services are also available.
Email for more information or simply book your consult online.